Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ah, the trouble with NCLB

In case you have been under a rock NCLB stands for "No Child Left Behind". I don't believe anyone knew that it would become a front for the testing companies to rake in billions of dollars on the backs of children. In years to come all the horrors that have come about as the result of this egregiously misnamed program will fill volumes.

Having just finished conferences this last week I reflect on NCLB. All but one of my sixth graders grade's improved. All have shown maturity. These kids are funny, kind, smart and, yes, very sweet. I call them my "little cupcakes and sweatshirts." They know I love them.

One little girl, truly a tiny thing, about the size of an eight year-old, has an amazing talent in drawing, but academically she has done something I didn't think possible; she has failed all but one subject. Her mother says that this has been ongoing and now she plans on sending her to a commercial tutoring center. The assessment costs $4,000. The child has no learning disabilities. She really doesn't care. The mother asked, "How do you make a child care?" My caring and encourgaement have been fruitless and I don't regard punishment as a viable method of motivation as so many parents and teachers do. The mother and I aren't really on the same page on that. *sigh*

I still feel badly for this child, but in my ongoing "Let It Go" mode I have learned that I am not a magician. I am a teacher. I am human. If I could make all kids love to learn then I could move on to cure all addicts. Yet, NCLB expects all teachers to be magicians.


Joy said...

AMEN sister!!! I'm tired of watching my son stress over a test that shows how well the school is doing.

Liz said...

Thanks, Joy. How is all this testing good for kids? It isn't. I hate seeing the kids so tied up about testing OR not caring at all. Seriously, NCLB has ruined more lives, of kids, parents and teachers, than it has ever helped. It supposedly makes teachers "accountable". What a cruel joke.

Joy said...

Hopefully change is in the future!!

Neva said...

What a mess the NCLB has caused....a sad commentary on our school system when we could really be one of the best school systems in the world.But, wait, that would require listening to whom? oh yeah, right ....the teachers. *sigh*