Sunday, April 20, 2008


This past week I got very sick with a cough (thank you students!). My doctor doesn't do "walk-ins" so I had to go to Urgent Care. Unbeknownst to me the old Urgent Care was closed up. I called my dear hubby in a despair who found a new one that was close by.

The young physician’s assistant wrote me prescriptions for a nuclear strength cough medicine and antibiotics. A few hours later I had broken out in a terrible rash. By morning my face was swollen and my lips looked like Goldie Hawn’s grossly enhanced lips in “The First Wives Club.” My hands, feet, waist and the area above my arms on my back look like leprosy. Even my ears are red and itchy! Dear Gary helped me call various places and I got a new prescription. He even volunteered to go pick it up for me. In the meantime the rash has spread and gotten much, much worse, although the coughing isn’t as bad. Is that improvement?

Usually when I have had a long run of really good health I can’t help myself and brag about it which, as everybody knows, is the surest way to tempt fate, but this time I didn’t. I am as miserable with the icthing as I was with the coughing. Surely there is a lesson to be learned here but I’ll be damned if I can figure it what it is.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Oh you poor thing. That sounds awful. Hope you start improving soon.

Neva said... are you now? does this mean you had to call in? this time of year.....what a pain in the....well, everywhere for you apparently....I hope you feel better soon......

Joy said...

Oatmeal baths and Benadryl. I hope you are doing better. Stay away from that particular medicine. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that!! I'm sending good wishes your way!!