Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tales of Technology - Part I

My first cassette player was a Norelco. Seriously. It was a present for my 18th birthday when I was a freshman in college in (gulp) (I hate to admit this) ( does this make me an old fogey?) in 1966. Okay, I said it. I loved that cassette player. It was cool. I was cool. But I soon learned that technolgy almost always comes with a catch.

Clever me thought that instead of taking notes, I could just record my college lectures. How wrong could I have been? After amassing thousands of hours (only a slight exaggeration) of lectures I realized, to my horror, that I hadn't paid any attention in class and had no notes. All I had were some really bad tape recordings WHICH I STILL HAD TO LISTEN TO. I had to sit through the class twice, so to speak, and the second time the professor sounded as if he (they were almost always men back then) were in an accoustically-challenged drainage pipe. It was humiliating to have to beg for classmate's notes. "I thought you didn't need notes, Liz. You have that snazzy tape recorder." Grovel, grovel, grovel.

My worst tape recorder experince came later that year at the expense of Dave Brubeck, who was playing in Fargo ( yes, as in Fargo, North Dakota.) My future husband, Gary, got the tickets as a surprise becuase I was such a Brubeck fan. We had front row tickets in an intimate little theater. I would be sitting practically next to Dave Brubeck as he played! I was so excited, but things started to go downhill almost immediately. Of course, there was the obligatory blizzard which made driving from Grand Forks to Fargo hazardous. We didn't see the unfortunate dog who ran out in front of Gary's car. There are few sounds worse than the thud of a dog being hit. The dog somehow disappeared and could not be found. By then we were hardly in shape or the mood to enjoy a concert.

Before we had even left for the concert my beloved cassette player had failed me and was in the shop. The owner had been kind enough to loan me a portable reel-to-reel tape recorder. How was I to know that you shouldn't peek at it while you're recording? The tape exploded like projectile vomit out of the recorder as I scampered under Brubeck's piano trying to scoop up escaping audio tape that slithered around the floor like a deranged snake. Dave continued to play and smile. I still cringe in horror when I think of that night. The tapes have never been played. Maybe I can take them on the Antiques Roadshow.

Did I give up on technology? Heck no! More "Tales of Technology" to come.


Brett Hendrickson said...

This is a great story, and believe it or not, I don't think I've ever heard it before!

Liz said...

Ha! You mean now I actually have an outlet (or is that purging?) of all my old stories? Hooray!!!!!

steve said...

You lived in Grand Forks?! I attended the University of North Dakota for graduate school from 1992 until 1998. I recall very well trips from Grand Forks to Fargo/Morehead (where my wife and I did our internships)! Wow. Small world.

Liz said...

Steve, millions of people have lived in Grand Forks, but nobody stays. Next blog will be one my favorite coincidence stories.

St. Casserole said...

I remember the excitement of new technology---cassette players!

Enjoyed this post!