Friday, August 31, 2007

Did you miss me???? Here's the latest. A BIG THANK YOU, TOO.

(1.) Check out my new grand puppy, Becky the Basset, at my son-in-law's blog, Sheep Days. The gorgeous little boy is my grandson, Thomas.

Now Brett will understand the old expression, "Love me, love my dog."

(2.) I decided to redecorate my office because the new floor is so gorgeous. This has become a much bigger project than anticipated, but I am motivated. I was living in terror that the HGTV people would show up at our house and do a remodel as per requested by our daughter in one of those "My parents are stuck in the last century" episodes.

(3.) Please forgive my griping about our weather. We do not live in San Diego where it is law that the weather and climate is always perfect. However, we have now had 31 days of temperatures above 110. This is especially bad when one is teaching and the kids can't go out for recess. Of course the kids can walk back and forth from school. Someone wrote into the paper saying that the rest of the country has snow days and that we should have heat days.

Ah, this too shall pass. ( I just made that up.)

(4.) A HUGE THANK YOU : I want to publicly thank the people who read my blog, comment on it and those very precious friends who email me regularly from around the world. I have always believed in the goodness, kindness, warmth and amazing humor of people and this is continuously shown by small group of blogger friends. I treasure your words.

Life is good.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Congrats on the cute grandpuppy.
Our heat has finally broken this past week and I am very thankful for that. I for one, was getting very tired of it and welcome the fall like temps in a big way.
This summer has been even more hectic than normal so I have been quite slack with the blogging. I really miss it and am looking forward to the slightly slower pace that winter brings to my life.

Liz said...

I knew you were busy, busy, busy, but it is good to hear from you. Brett has finally found a dog hje can love. Ha!

Alex said...

You know, I *have* considered nominating you for one of those makeover shows...

Liz said...

Mmmmm. Makeover shows or pitiful inheritance? It's a tough call.

I think that's what Leona Helmsly's kids did, and she left her money to her dog.

The Spicers said...

My sympathies regarding the temperature, especially with children involved. Ugh!

Mrs Fashion said...

Hey Liz, how are you?
Just to let you know... I tagged you!

Neva said...

awwww. my first puppy was a bassett cute....cute grandboy too!!! I am awarding you this award.....
The 'Power of Schmooze Award' is The Award for bloggers who “effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship".
Pass it along to 5 more!! Enjoy!

Liberty London Girl said...

Hello lovely Liz. Wanted you to know that I tagged you
