Friday, August 24, 2007

I still love it here.

I was born in Madison, Wisconsin. I lived in:
- Baraboo, Wisonsin
- Eleva, Wisonsin
- Elmhurst, Illinois
- Ellendale, North Dakota
- Charleston, Illinois
- DeKalb, Illinois
- Morgantown, West Virgina
- New Britain, Connecticut
- Madison, Wisconsin
- Grand Forks, North Dakota
- Mesa. Arizona. I love it here.

I love Arizona. It's beauty is haunting. The weather is magnificnet from November through Aprtil, and then it gets hot. The last two weeks have been the hottest on record. Our students can't go out for recess. They can, howver , walk to and from school. Someone suggested that in the rest of the country they have snow days, so perhaps we should have heat days. Tomorrow it will much. much cooler; 98 degrees.

We must go through the worst to appreciate the best.


Neva said...

this is so funny in a sad, sick way isn't it? We had so much rain on Thursday and so many trees down and streets flooded I was sure school would be cancelled....but when the guy who decides only has to walk down one flight of stairs to get to work....not a happenin' school went on in the midst of absolute chaos to get there. sigh.

The Spicers said...

I'm sitting here in 90 degree heat thinking I have it bad! My sympathies...