Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Field Trip to Arizona State University with 6th graders

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, I'm off to Arizona State University with 90 sixth graders. The program is called "College Bound" and was started by one of the former teachers at our school. She ended up meeting her husband, who is a professor at ASU, as the result of this program.

The idea behind "College Bound" is to give the students a chance to see the campus, dorms and to meet some of the professors in the science department and to observe some experiments. The kids especially like the experiment where things blow up. That is always a hit.

My only problem with this otherwise wonderful program is the exposure to condoms. Yea, you read that correctly. In the restrooms, in the vending machines, all around campus are ways of preventing pregnancy and social diseases. Ironically, tomorrow is the (wonderful) Growth and Development classes. *Sigh* As one of my teammates pointed out it's probably good for our kids to see these things. I suppose. *Sigh* It does provide enough giggles for months to come. Just think back to when you were in sixth grade. I can already guess who will makes some purchases, too.

"What did you learn on the field trip to A.S.U., honey?"

"I can buy condoms there, Mom."

Oh, goodie.


Unknown said...

Have fun Mom! At least you will know they are well protected. Plus, it is supposed to rain today... :)

Liz said...

I lived through the day ... barely. The kids were just about as bug-nutty as they could be.They made 87 trips into the bathroom at the dorm to look at the condom machine. My, THAT was a lot of fun! In two weeks we go to the Renaissance Festival. Lord help me!