Sunday, January 28, 2007

Rich and Famous? No thanks.

Did you go to school with anyone famous? Me neither. I know a couple of people who have been "minor" celebrities, but the big time? Naw. I have met some famous people. I met Al Capp when I was in college. Somehow I was chosen to introduce him when he spoke. He was a crabby, dirty old man. I was host to Barry Goldwater when he came to speak at the elementary school where I taught in Gilbert, Arizona. He was one of the classiest, funniest, most humble and charming people I ever met. Polar opposites.

At sometime most people probably daydream about being famous. I know I have. Most people think of famous as in "rich and famous". I think I'd like the rich part, but the famous part seems to have a lot that isn't good. Would you want to be Donald Trump? Yuck. There is one creepy dude. How about Paris Hilton. Just what is she anyway?

Even the rich part has catches. I recently watched a two-hour program on the E! channel about lottery winners and how the money destroyed their lives. It was over-the-top with the tragedy of money ruining everyone's lives. I'm sure there are lottery winners who have done just fine.

I think I would like to be "comfortable" as my grandmother would say of people who did not have to work, but I do love teaching. It won't ever make me comfortably rich, or even a little famous. It has brought me a lot of joy, and that's probably most important.


Unknown said...

I think we would be fine if we won the lottery, don't you think?

Liz said...

I never remember to buy a ticket!

Brett Hendrickson said...

Maggie Gyllenhaal was in my college class, but we weren't friends or anything.
Famous people I've met:
Adolfo Perez Equivel (1980 Nobel Peace Prize winner) and Jimmy Higdon (state rep of KY legislature). Neither one, unfortunately, owe any favors. Otherwise, who knows?

Jan said...

Welcome to the blog world! Glad to have you on board!

Your pictures are awesome! Between your granddaughter and that sunset, you are surrounded by amazing beauty!