Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sex Education 101

Today was the "Growth and Development" program for our 6th graders. I volunteered to go with Mr.M ( who is 33 years old) to supervise the boys during the big talk. Our nurse, Kathy, always does a wonderful job, but even under the best of circumstances everybody is uncomfortable. No matter how good the program is, I really don't think the kids get much out of it. This should be called Sex Ed "Lite". The average 11 or 12 year old brain just ain't in learning mode during the big talk. It is the I-hope-I-live-through-this-and-not die-of-embarrassment-mode.

As much as the media likes to talk about how sexually active young people are today, I have to say that I just don't believe it's true. What is true is that people talk about sex more, but I just don't think that the kids are more sexually active. If kids were more sexually active there wouldn't be this incredible anxiety every year at "G&D" time.

Furthermore most of the polls are so much baloney. Did you answer those honestly when you were in school? When I was in school none of my firends were having sex ... even the pregnant ones. Today who would admit they weren't.

Sex Education in school is so in adequate that it wouldn't even make for a mediocre teen sex comedy, which is probably where most kids actually get their information about sex. Yikes!

So, where did you learn about the birds and the bees?


Unknown said...

I plead the 5th on your question...