Saturday, February 03, 2007


I have always been intrigued with coincidences. The definition of coincidence is, "a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connections." I seem to be rather alone in my delight of all things coincidental. Most people react to coincidences with a shrug, and pass it off as luck - either good or bad. I don't. I see coincidence as absolute irrefutable proof of God's sense of humor. One would think that with all the coincidences I have encountered I would be blase' about them, but each one causes me to suck in my breath and get goosebumps. I love 'em!

I had gone to the mall one evening to have my hair cut in one of the department store "salons". I always carry a book with me wherever I go and get a lot of reading done in those little chunks of time, but on this occasion the book I brought was a dud. I started to chat with the young women next to me as we waited our turn to be called.

She told me that she work in the cosmetics department. I asked her how she got her job and she said she had been a fashion merchandising major in college, and she worked in various departments in the store as part of her training. I asked her where she went to college, and to my surprise she graduated from the University of North Dakota. What a coincidence! That was where I got my degree, although I had graduated ten years before she did. I then asked her how she ended up at UND. Her dad was a professor there. What a coincidence, so was mine. Then I asked her where she lived. She laughed and said that it was rather hard to find her house but then she went on to explain the location. At that point I got a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach as she was still explaining the odd location of the house. She stopped, paused mid-sentence, gave me a long. hard look then said, "What's your dad's name?" I told her. Her mouth dropped. "We bought your dad's house!"

What a coincidence!

I bet you have some good coincidence stories, too!


Brett Hendrickson said...

I can't think of one really good coincidence in my life. Maybe you are just open to these things.

Liz said...

I think you do have to have an awareness for it rather like buying a car then seeing it's twin everywhere. I had been thinking about one of my former student's mom yesterday then I saw her at the grocery store. See what I mean?