Saturday, February 10, 2007

Horrible Scare!

This past Thursday I had a horribly strange and scary phone call from my sister. She is a baby-boomer, too, a teacher, a grandma, and a woman who feels passionatly about things. She had called me with some news that she wanted me to include in my prayers. I was happy to do this. The strange part of the phone call was that she was repeating her story and repeating her story ... over and over. I knew she wasn't drunk, but I knew something was very wrong. What should I do? I could call her daughters but surely they would have noticed this extreme behavior. My husband and daughter said that I needed to notify my sister's girls. But what if I was wrong, or mistaken? What if I WASN'T wrong or mistaken? This was a catch-22. I was sick with worry.

Last night my sister called again and all seemed fine, then she told me that she had had a peculiar reaction from an over-the-counter cold medicine. It had made her feel woozy and fuzzy-headed and she wanted to warn me as I have drug reactions (Nyquil will keep me up for 24 hours, for instance.) I asked Bonnie if she had taken the drug Thursday night. Yes, she had, but she hadn't noticed it so extremely at home because she thought she was tired and stressed, but it really hit her Friday at school. She said she had the feeling she shouldn't have even driven the mile to school!

I started crying! Here I had thought my sister was quite literally going into senility and it was an over-the-counter drug. The moral of this story is to stay away from an over-the-counter drug that comes in a purple box (by the name of Benedryl cold something or rather.)