Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscar Blah!

I couldn't make it all the way through the Oscars last night. Of course, the fact that the only Oscar nominated movie I saw was my grandson's DVD of "Cars" might have dampened my interest a smidge. It wasn't that Ellen DeGeneres did a bad job. She did a perfectly okay job.

I have never watched any other awards show. Seriously. Never. I can't say how the Oscars compare with the Country Music Hall of Fame, for example. I guess, for me anyway, the Oscars were tedious. I really didn't care. Can't somebody help those folks with their acceptance speeches? Sheesh!

I pity the person who must put on this extravaganza because it really has very strict limits on how it must be done so there is little room for creativity. It isn't simply that movie stars are over paid egotists, because, of course, most of them are. Most of them are people you probably wouldn't have even been friends with in school because they were just too weird. It is an easy, cheap shot to criticize celebrity when I will watch poor Britney Spears and her daily train-wreck with fascination. Maybe the public is starting to see that these people just aren't that interesting.

I think, however, I would be friends with Meryl Streep. It is said that she is so very down to earth. If she ever asked me out to coffee I'd go and have a great time, and I'm pretty darn sure she would ask me about my family and my work.

I think I'll renew my NetFlix subscription and get on the treadmill and watch some movies, and next year I'll watch the Oscars and actually have some favorites.


Brett Hendrickson said...

Alex and I Tivo'd the whole show. We then started watching the recording about 45 minutes into it. This way, we were able to fast-forward through the commercials and the acceptance speeches. It was a LOT better this way--just the jokes and the beautiful people.