Monday, April 02, 2007

Plan Your Own Funeral

This past weekend we attended a not very good funeral. Can a funeral be good? Yes. Can a funeral be bad? Most definately. In fact, most I have attended have been anywhere from dreary to awful. Not just because the funeral was about somebody dying but mainly because they weren't very well planned! This past weekend's funeral included a warbleling teenager, and an octogenarian who blabbed on for twenty minutes - off the top of her dandelion head. Oh, dear! Years ago I attended the funeral of young man who was a member of my church who died of a chronic illness. He knew he was going to die (unlike most folks who really never see it coming) so he planned everything. It was a glorious funeral; really a life celebration.

This past weekend I was reminded that I ought to put some thought into what I'd like because I want it to be a reflection of me. It will definately have some Bossa Nova Music. Food should include copious amounts of chocolate mint goodies. Several of my favorite jokes and some of my favotite stories that my family will no longer let me tell. I should video tape me singing something, too. Ha! Mainly, I want it to be a really great party with great food and, of course, a lot of laughs.


Unknown said...

Here's what I'm hoping for (hey, somebody write this down) ... a piper plays Amazing Grace while some local surfer paddles out with my ashes, and dumps in the curl of a nice surfable wave. Then y'all gather on the beach for a regular plan old 12-step meeting. You know, the kind with coffee that's too strong, and not enough donuts.

Liz said...

It's a deal. Seriously, that should be your funeral. I'll do that for you, okay!

Liz said...

Bonnie, You are ready to join Blog world. Jump right in.

Neva said...

This is an interesting subject....I have mentioned to the husband what music I would like...but I have also written it down and put it in the family bible....I should leave a note for the kids 'cause that will be a place they will NEVER look!! Gotta love 20somethings!