Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sheesh! What about Free Speech?

Word came down in our district that we can't blog because the news media combs the district email and blogs to find good stories. They certainly have the right to look at any of my district emails as that is all public information. Our district has industrial-strength firewalls so that I couldn't look at THIS blog at school if I wanted to. They even block ALL the graphics on Wikipedia. (However, they haven't managed to keep the pesky pornographic emails from coming in. I have to make sure there are no students around when I open my email as the latest ads for "enhancements" are there for all to see.) The district can't prevent us from blogging. Surely they know that. Our district doesn't seem to understand that we may write what we please in our blogs, but we certainly must be mindful no to slander, libel or plagiarize. Is there really anyone who doesn't understand that? Evidently not.

I haven't written anything in my blog that I would be embarrassed to have any one of my students see. If I have written about a student I have changed his/her name. My dear old mother always said, "Don't put anything down in writing you don't want the whole world to see." She said that decades ago, long before there was an inkling of a world wide web.

If anyone from any news outlet should happen to stumble upon my little blog and find a good story, please share it with the world, and yes, my district should most certainly keep their noses out of my blog and stick it .... whoops. (That was not going to be a child-friendly comment. ) It sounds like some tech people have entirely too much time on their hands.


Joy said...

You go girl!!! You should continue to blog. How can the district tell you what to do in your free time. Maybe I should complain to our district about the teachers I have seen at local restraunts/bars having a little too much to drink. uuuggghhh. Like you said, if you change names and you aren't inappropriate, what difference does it make.

Liz said...

I asked about this at school today and I was told that this applied to blogs written from a school computer. Now who would be stupid enough to write a blog from a school computer? So, this does apply to regular blogs .... or so we were told.

I have heard some hair-raising stories about some of the big tech honchos in our district and they are not pretty. Evidently there are people who do spend an inordinate amount of time snooping in district email. If somebody up there doesn't like you, or so I have heard, you can be sure they watch what you look at on your school computer and they read your email. I think that is scary and pathetic all at once.

Liz said...

Oops! I should have said the district is not looking at regular blogs. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

Neva said...

Well, you know how I feel about censorship and might I add...who the heck has time to blog at work??????? Certainly not me!!!and I am with you....if you find a good story..share it and I hope everyone loves it!! you go girl!