Sunday, May 13, 2007


I hate being sick.( I think that is probably why I’m not a big fan of TV. I only watch it when I’m sick. Most television makes you feel sick anyway.) Teachers are exposed to more contagious diseases than anyone, and I have probably built up a pretty good immunity, but this stomach flu just lays you out flat! Ugh and double ugh.

I had my weekend all planned. It was going to be a marathon clean out and toss out at school. My plan was not to come back and do the final cleaning up after school was officially out, which is what I normally do. Now I found out that since there is major repair work being done at school I have to be done by the 25th, and now I lost two work days to being ill. Not to mention it being Mother’s Day weekend.

The good thing, and there is always a good thing hidden in the bad things, is that now I am ready to seriously toss out rather than pensively sort and file. If the room burned down everything in it is replaceable.

Now I can throw out, not throw up, without any guilt.


Unknown said...

Feel better soon. It stinks to be so sick.

Liz said...

Thank you, sweet girl. At least I know how to add graphics, thanks to you!