Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Be Careful What You Email; It Says Much More Than You Think

A dear friend of mine decided to get divorced after decades of an unhappy marriage. I never got to know her spouse so to comment on him would be unfair. When my friend decided to divorce her husband started writing her and emailing her very l-o-n-g and verbose letters. She shared them with close friends simply because she didn't know what to make of them. He didn't want to get divorced and I saw his letters as being very possessive. My friend didn't see this because she was so used to it.

Today another email arrived. They are difficult to read, not because of any real pain on his part but because they are so very tedious and all about him. It's as if, like a student, he mistakenly believes that the more he writes the clearer he makes himself. Wrong! The more words he writes the more he incriminates himself. I performed a little word analysis breakdown for her. It is as follows:

Dearest Friend,

I think what [his name] didn't know he said is more telling than his words. Look at the breakdown very, very carefully. I believe we know who he believes this is all about by a very clear margin. Again, you are doing the right thing.

I = 22
me = 13
myself = 1
man = 1
my = 12
total = 49


you = 12
your = 2
woman = 3
[friend'name] 1
total = 18

God = 3

us = 1


Love, Your Friend


Neva said...

I am sooooo careful when this kind of stuff happens in my friend's mantra, is you love 'em, I love 'em, you hate 'em I hate 'em...and I have no comments either way after they have decided which way they feel. You are fortunate that you are able to summarize so well...I am not so good at that...but this guy sounds beyond self absorbed...I mean, really, does he really NOT want her back and all he can talk about is himself?.....maybe he was one of your parents at your graduation!